Friday, February 22, 2013

Moving the SCUP database after installation

After installing System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP) 2011 configuration must be done. SCUP can be connected to a WSUS or SCCM/ConfigMgr 2007 and/or 2012 installation. Just use Update Server or ConfigMgr Server for that. Something else that must be done is moving the SCUP database. This because the database is placed in the active user profile. Oops! In this blogpost I will explain (in a few steps) what must be done.
By default the SCUPDB.SDF is placed in the [C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\System Center Updates Publisher 2011\5.00.1727.0000] folder. This can be checked at Advanced options. To move the database just close the SCUP console. Open the Scup2011.exe.config file, which can be found in the SCUP installation folder.
For example: Beneath <Scup.Properties.Settings> and <setting name="SSCEDataFile" serializeAs="String"> add the following line:

This way the database is expected on another location. Just move the SCUPDB.SDF file to the same location configured in the Config file. After configuring both steps start the SCUP console again. Have a look at Advanced options again, and see above results. The database is moved to a better place now!


  1. Thank you so much.. I am wondering why this is not MS thought about. Do we have any limitation for sdf files for size? Because now all users will work on same database file. Any disadvantages in doing this?

    1. You're right on that, Microsoft didn't thought about this. The sdf file can be used by different users instead, so no worry about that.

  2. Still having issues with this, I have created the certificate and improted, changed the .sdf location but still cannot publish SCUP 2011 is looking in my C:\Users area still grrrrrrrrr

    1. Did you change the location in the Scup2011.exe.config file?

  3. Good doc but is it possible to merge two SDF database?

  4. Successfully moved database but nobody else can publish. Thought this was a permissions problem, but we're all local admins on the server and have full control to the .sdf. Anyone know why?

  5. Right click - run as admin

  6. Hi, is it possible to use a SQL Server for the SCUP Database?

  7. Thanks a lot for the database fix, but I am having the same problem as Caryn above, where a fellow domain admin has the publish option greyed out... right click and run as admin doesn't help
