Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How to change the ConfigMgr Management Console language

When using ConfigMgr (2012) best thing is to offload the server and install the Management Console on endpoints or Management server. By default however the console is displayed in the language choosen in Regional Settings. This is not recommended because when looking on TechNet it's hard to find the right object in ConfigMgr Console.

In my case I want the console displayed in English instead of Dutch language. Two solutions are possible to change the default language:

1) Change the default language in Regional Settings. That way all language will be changed in Windows however.
2) Change the language pack folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\<Language>

In my case I renamed the [nl] folder to [_nl] and the [nl_NL] folder to [_nl-NL]. Just close the ConfigMgr Management Console and start it again. The language will be changed to English now!