When passing both exams and MCITP: Server Administrator you get the new "MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert) Private Cloud" status.
Exam 71:246 (58 questions)
For it seems most of MS Private Cloud exam questions are about Virtual Machine Manager, Operations Manager, Service Manager and Orchestrator. Furthermore there a questions on Data Protection Manager and WSUS integration in Virtual Machine Manager. It's the hardest one of the two exams.
Preperation materials: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/exam.aspx?id=70-246
The distribution of questions is about:
- Virtual Machine Manager: 30%
- Operations Manager: 20%
- Service Manager: 20%
- Orchestrator: 20%
- Data Protection Manager: 10%
Exam 71:247 (47 questions)
Again most of MS Private Cloud exam questions are about Virtual Machine Manager, Operations Manager, Service Manager and Orchestrator. Furthermore there are questions on App Controller, Data Protection Manager and App-V Server. This one seems a little bit easier then the other one.
Preperation materials: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/exam.aspx?id=70-247
The distribution of questions is about:
- Virtual Machine Manager: 30%
- Operations Manager: 10%
- Service Manager: 20%
- Orchestrator: 20%
- App Controller: 10%
- Data Protection Manager 10%
Because of the ConfigMgr 2012 exam 70:243 (which is final by now), there are (almost) no questions about Configuration Manager and Endpoint Protection. All other 6 products from the System Center 2012 suite will be used.
Good luck with both exams! (and post the results)