Today my vacation is starting for the next coming weeks. During my vacation there will be no new blogposts as you can guess :) So enjoy yourself (I will do also) and expect a lot of new information and knowledge later this year. There will be lot to write and share about upcoming and already available Microsoft products:
-Windows 10 :-) -System Center 2016 -Microsoft Intune & Azure -Enterprise Mobility Suite -Windows Server 2016 -Windows 10 Mobile
Finally Windows 10 is there! I'm running it on Surface Pro 3 for a while and don't want to go back to Windows 8.1 anymore :) Microsoft has released Windows 10 for all customers worldwide now, using Windows Update or the ISO's available. Next wait is for Windows 10 Mobile which is expected somewhere in October this year.
Before you begin, make sure you have: -An internet connection (internet service provider fees may apply). -Sufficient data storage available on a computer, USB or external drive for the download. -A blank USB or DVD (and DVD burner) with at least 4 GB of space if you want to create media. -If you will be installing the operating system for the first time, you will need your Windows product key.
When starting with Microsoft Intune, you must setup a MDM (Mobile Device Management) authority to continue. This MDM authority can be set on Microsoft Intune (using the SAAS solution), ConfigMgr (using the hybrid solution) or Office 365 (included with Office 365 commercial subscriptions). During a hybrid installation (which is ConfigMgr connected with Intune) the MDM authority was already set to Office 365. That way it isn't possible to connect it with ConfigMgr.
Unfortunately the only way to reset your MDM authority is to call Microsoft Intune support and wait 5 business days at maximum to get the job done. After that it can be configured for Intune or ConfigMgr again. Hope that Microsoft can simplify the process in the future, so that people can do it themselves. Very annoying to wait several days, when you know the action can be done within a few minutes..
When the reset has taken place (there may be no devices enrolled within Microsoft Intune), you can set the MDM authority again. Just make sure to choose the right one this time :-)
Note: Microsoft mentions that the reset is done in US only, so no luck for EMEA people who want to have a quick result.
When installing multiple distribution points, I received the following warning on some of them: Failed to retrieve the package list on the distribution point. Or the package list in content library doesn't match the one in WMI. Review smsdpmon.log for more information about this failure. Not that good when installing new distribution points.
Point is, during synchronization a few packages get removed. Therefore some warnings where displayed, but couldn't be deleted. Even after validation the warning still exists. On Microsoft TechNet there is feedback to open a Microsoft support case or run a PowerShell script. Let's have a look at the logfile first.
Within the logfile package ID's are found which causes the warning.
Within Distribution Point Configuration Status (Monitoring tab) the current. status is seen. Click on details to see more information.
I choose to run the PowerShell script instead of opening a Microsoft support case on this. I found two scripts which I start on the effected distribution points. These are found on TechNet Gallery and Liebensraum (extra script).
After that (and another validation on the distribution points) everything was fine again. Happy with this easy solution, and scripts available!Hope it helps :-)
After a ConfigMgr 2007 migration where many software packages are migrated, deployment is not working anymore. Every software package deployed gives the same error message in execmgr.log on the client: No accessible source location found for the content. No content is downloaded in ccmcache at all. Still content is available on multiple distribution points.
When looking in deployment properties of software packages, distribution point settings are wrong: Run program from distribution point. Within ConfigMgr 2007 every package can be installed from a distribution point directly. Within ConfigMgr 2012 this is possible only when using Package share settings. When doing this content will be twice on the server, which is not recommended.
Better is to change the distribution point setting to: Download content from distribution point and run locally. That way it will be installed fine after all. Problem solved :-)
Recently I did a clean ConfigMgr 2012 SP2 installation at customer location. Because push installation was active, a ConfigMgr 2007 agent was installed on the new ConfgMgr 2012 server. During the prerequisite check an error was seen that the management point couldn't been installed: Client version on management point computer. After removing the ConfigMgr 2007 agent, the error message was gone, and installation went fine (I thought). Bad part is, still no management point was installed after setup. The following lines were seen in mpsetup.log: -mp.msi exited with return code: 1603 -Backing up C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log.LastError -Fatal MSI Error - mp.msi could not be installed.
I did a manual installation with the comment mention in the logfile: mp.msi CCMINSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM" CCMSERVERDATAROOT="P:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager" USESMSPORTS=TRUE SMSPORTS=80 USESMSSSLPORTS=TRUE SMSSSLPORTS=443 USESMSSSL=TRUE SMSSSLSTATE=0 CCMENABLELOGGING=TRUE CCMLOGLEVEL=1 CCMLOGMAXSIZE=1000000 CCMLOGMAXHISTORY=1 but this failed to compile on "CcmExec_Global.mof".
After running ccmclean.exe (SMS 2003 toolkit) a WMI repair was done. After that (manual) installation went fine again! The following lines were seen in mpsetup.log now: -SMSMP already installed. Upgrading/Reinstalling SMSMP -New SMSMP is the same product code. This is a minor upgrade. -mp.msi exited with return code: 0 -Installation was succesful.
System Center Configuration Manager provides a backup maintenance task called 'Backup Site Server' that runs on a schedule and backs up the site database, specific registry keys, and specific folders and files. This task is intended to backup key elements of the Configuration Manager site that require synchronization, or other special attention. These are however not all files needed. Microsoft advises to backup other SQL databases and ConfigMgr files as well, making sure nothing is missing. This is described here: Backup and Recovery in Configuration Manager
You can create a AfterBackup.bat file to perform post-backup actions automatically after the backup maintenance task runs successfully. The AfterBackup.bat file is most frequently used to archive the backup snapshot to a secure location. However, you can also use the AfterBackup.bat file to copy files to your backup folder and start other supplemental backup tasks. This file must be created manually and placed in the <ConfigMgr>\Inboxes\Smsbkup folder.
The following code can be added to the file (example): - REM @echo off - setlocal enabledelayedexpansion - set target=\\SCCM01\C$\AfterBackup\%date:~0,3% - If not exist %target% goto datacopy - RD %target% /s /q - :datacopy - xcopy "\\SCCM01\Backup\*" "%target%\" /E /-Y
All this does is move the backup folder to a folder named the day of the week. If the destination already exists, then it is deleted first. Resulting in 7 days of backup. I recommend using a remote location for this, not on the local server. Better safe than sorry :-)
For testing purpose, you can start: SMS_SITE_BACKUP (in services or Configuration Manager Service Manager) manually.
Update 16-7: For it seems above information is outdated and SQL Backup is the way to do it. No ConfigMgr backup and AfterBackup.bat is needed, but it works fine if you prefer. Just make sure you have a backup plan! :)
@jarwidmark - Use SQL Backup instead for SCCM 2012. @henkhoogendoorn - The SCCM job synchronize between DB and Site control files, which seems to be better? @jarwidmark - Nope, that's not correct, those are not used anyway. Never, ever use the built-in SCCM backup :) @henkhoogendoorn - FYI Step-By-Step: Testing System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Backups for Restoration @jarwidmark - I don't agree with that post, use SQL backup instead. @NickolajA - Since ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 was released, SQL backups would be the prefered way. @Steve_TSQL - Yes - read this :) SQL Server Backup Recommendations for Configuration Manager @Steve_TSQL - While that post will work, using native SQL is better. With CM 2012 SP1 and later ConfigMgr 2012 Site Backup and Recovery Overview @ccmexec - Agreed!! SQL backup is the way to do it!
With Shavlik Patch it's possible to download and publish third-party updates within the ConfigMgr console. Other products with comparable functionality are Secunia and Lumension. During a Shavlik Patch implementation, third-party updates on Adobe Reader and Mozilla Firefox didn't want to install. Updates were published without issue but they fail to install on the client. The following error was shown in WUAHandler.log: Failed to download updates to the WUAgent datastore. Error = 0x800b0109
Trick is, you must publish Self signed certificates in the local computer Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root Certification Authorities store and you will need to enable 'Allow signed updates from an intranet Microsoft update service location' as well.
Import the WSUS self signed certificate to the client computer's Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root Certification Authorities and to change this setting in GPO.
Create a GPO which will import this certificate and enable 'Allow signed updates from an intranet Microsoft update service location'.
After creating the GPO and make the necessary changes, both Adobe Reader and Mozilla Firefox updates were installed successfully.
Just great to use ConfigMgr for both Microsoft and third-party updates, within the same console! As you can see Adobe Reader (11.0.11) and Mozilla Firefox (38.0.5) are installed successfully now.
Today, ConfigMgr and SCEP Technical Preview 2 became available. Technical Preview 2 provides you with an early glimpse of the functionality that is planned for Q4 2015 (close to Windows 10), bringing with it full support for client deployment, upgrade, and management of Windows 10. New features available in Technical Preview 2 include: -Universal Windows apps support for Windows 10 – Side-load internally developed Universal Windows apps to Windows 10 devices. -Peer cache support for Windows PE – Includes OS deployment scenarios for Windows PE, extending our existing Configuration Manager peer cache content management. -Ability to manage Windows 10 PCs and mobile devices via MDM with on-premises ConfigMgr infrastructure – Manage Windows 10 devices using ConfigMgr integrated with Microsoft Intune (hybrid) without the need to store your data in the cloud. This is especially helpful for managing devices that are unable to connect to the Internet such as Windows IoT/Embedded devices. (Intune subscription required)
Also included are features that were previously released in the first Technical Preview in May: -Support for Windows 10 upgrade with OS deployment task sequence – In addition to providing support for existing wipe-and-load (refresh) scenarios, the ConfigMgr Technical Preview includes enhanced upgrade support with in-place upgrade to Windows 10. -Support for installing ConfigMgr on Azure Virtual Machines – Similar to how you can install ConfigMgr on Hyper-V today, you can now run ConfigMgr in Azure VMs. This provides flexibility to move some or all of your datacenter server workloads to the cloud with Azure.
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Recently I upgraded my Surface Pro 3 to Windows 10 Build 10159. With Windows 8.1 Update 1 (which is default installed) the device was making a lot of noise when plugged in. Also with multiple programs open (most of time Internet Explorer and/or Adobe Reader) it was making a lot of noise too. After many firmware updates the issues was still not gone. In March this year, I wrote the following about this behavior:
As mentioned in the links below, this is being caused by the Windows Installer Module and the Windows Installer Module Worker, which start in the background at random times and cause the CPU to work at higher speeds. This causes the heat and the fans to kick into overdrive. When stopping these processes in Task Manager, my Surface is as quiet as on battery in seconds! Hope that this issue is fixed when moving to Windows 10 in a few months. Otherwise a hardware replacement may be needed to resolve this.
Last week I updated my device to Windows 10 Build 10159. After the update the issue is gone indeed. Even during a stress test (screenshot) at almost 100% CPU the fan makes less noise than before. Happy that this issue seems to be gone now! :-)
Downside is, Out of sleep (when in sleep mode, it will wake up. for it seems because of the keyboard?) is back again. This issue was solved on Windows 8.1 after installing a system firmware update. Sometimes
my device will go out-of-sleep, which is annoying because all open
programs will be gone afterwards. Strange thing that no hibernation is
used for this? For it seems the device stays on, till battery power is
reached a critical state. After that the device turns down. Lucky me
this happens around rarely and not always.
Furthermore I really like Windows 10, and hope to implement it many times this year already! Windows 10 (a.k.a. Windows as a service) is the new generation of Windows. No specials (issues or other things) to mention on Surface Pro 3.
Update 7-7: Still during installing updates (Windows 10 Build 10159 to 10162) my device makes a lot of noise. Next device will be a fanless one :-)
Recently deployment went wrong on a few system types, part of a lot different system types. At every deployment it went wrong on the Apply Driver Package step. At earlier deployments all went fine, but now it stops working. Both were heavy HP workstations with 16GB and 32GB memory onboard. A lot of errors in SMSTS.log and DISM.log were seen.
SMSTS.log -Dism failed with return code -2147467259 -Failed to add driver to driver store. Code 0x80004005 -Failed to provision driver. Code 0x80004005 -Exiting with return code 0x80004005 -Failed to find a matching version
DISM.log Failed to find a matching version for servicing stack: E:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17592_none_0b0e4b4025cf4049\ [HRESULT = 0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND] Failed to find servicing stack directory in online store. [HRESULT = 0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND] Failed to open the registry root: n/a, key: Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND] Failed to query for path to user profiles directory. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND] Failed to load the default user profile registry hive. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND] Failed to unload offline registry: {bf1a281b-ad7b-4476-ac95-f47682990ce7}E:/Windows/System32/config/SOFTWARE, the client may still need it open. [HRESULT = 0x80070005 - E_ACCESSDENIED] Failed to load offline store from boot directory: '\\?\E:\' and windows directory: '\\?\E:\Windows\' [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND] Failed to initialize store parameters with boot drive: E:\ and windows directory: E:\Windows [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
It mentions: The issue in this case occurs because WinPE tries to compact the offline registry and fails to commit the registry hives back to disk. This problem only happen when you deploy Windows 7 and use WinPE 5.x 32-bit to deploy the image. Resolution is to set this registry value in the boot.wim using DISM or using a 64-bit boot image.
In my case I changed to use the 64-bit boot image, because of Windows 7 x64 deployment. Otherwise you need to edit the 32-bit boot image with the regkey. Very easy solution and no errors seen anymore :-)